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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Classical world

Classical world

Many pre-Socratic philosophers considered the world to be flat, at least according to Aristotle. According to including (c. 440 BC) and (c. 460–370 BC) believed in a flat Earth. (c. 550 BC) believed the Earth to be a short cylinder with a flat, circular top that remained stable because it is the same distance from all things. believed that "the earth is flat and rides on air; in the same way the sun and the moon and the other heavenly bodies, which are all fiery, ride the air because of their flatness." (c. 500 BC) thought that the Earth was flat, with its upper side touching the air, and the lower side extending without limit. Belief in a flat Earth continued into the 5th-century BC. c. 450 BC) agreed that the Earth was flat, and his pupilbelieved that the flat Earth was depressed in the middle like a saucer, to allow for the fact that the Sun does not rise and set at the same time for everyone.

In early Egyptian and he world was portrayed as a flat disk floating in the ocean. A similar model is found in the account of the 8th century BCE in which "Okeanos, the personified body of water surrounding the circular surface of the Earth, is the begetter of all life and possibly of all gods


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