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Friday, October 29, 2010


The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into, and In the 21st century, plants have been used to grow and pharmaceuticals. Specific foods include and include cotton, wool, and include lumber and bamboo. Other useful materials are produced by plants, such as Biofuels include from and, tropical fish and birds for the pet trade are some of the ornamental products
griculture encompasses a wide variety of specialties and techniques, including ways to expand the lands suitable for plant raising, by digging water-channels and other forms of irrigation. Cultivation of crops on and the herding of livestock on remain at the foundation of agriculture. In the past century there has been increasing concern to identify and quantify various forms of agriculture. In the developed world the range usually extends .
Agriculture is the production, processing, marketing, and use of foods, fibers and byproducts from plant and animals. griculture was the key development that led to the rise of, with the of and plants (i.e.) creating food that enabled the development of more and societies. The study of agriculture is known as. Agriculture is also observed in certain species of ant and termite.

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