Winter and transportation
Snow can block lines, close airports and and block roads is also a major threat on the roads at this time. grit, sand, hand tools (like shovels, brooms, etc) and to help combat it.
One notable example occurred in Western Europe during late December 2010, when severa trains from Paris or towards were with delays of up to 16 hours. All Eurostar services were cancelled from 19–21 December and delays and the disruption continued for some time.
During winter in either hemisphere, the lower altitude of the Sun in winter causes the sunlight to hit that hemisphere at an oblique angle. In regions experiencing winter, the same amount of is spread out over a larger area. This effect is compounded by the larger distance that the light must travel through the atmosphere, allowing the atmosphere to dissipate more heat. Compared with these effects, the changes in the distance of the earth from the sun are negligible.
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