Freshwater algal blooms
When phosphates are introduced into water systems, higher concentrations cause increased growth of algae and plants. Algae tend to grow very quickly under high nutrient availability, but each alga is short-lived, and the result is a high concentration of dead organic matter which starts to decay. The decay process consumes dissolved oxygen in the water, resulting in conditions. Without sufficient dissolved oxygen in the water, animals and plants may in large numbers.
Blooms may be observed in when fish are overfed and excess nutrients are not absorbed by plants. These are not generally harmful for fish, and the situation can be corrected by changing the water in the tank and then reducing the amount of food given.
Freshwater algal blooms are the result of an excess of nutrients, particularly The excess of nutrients may originate from fertilizers that are applied to land for agricultural or recreational purposes, these nutrients can then enter through water runoff.Excess and have also been suspected as causes.
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