Climate change consensus
However, according to a 2009 report titled Public attitudes toward climate change: findings from a multi-country poll, there is high unawareness of the achieved consensus.In addition, some there is a scientific consensus,dismiss it altogether, and/or highlight the dangers of focusing on only one viewpoint in the context of what they claim to be 'unsettled' science. Others maintain that US government scientists have been stifled or driven underground.
Climate change consensus describes the public perception and controversy over whether there is a on recent and on the extent of man's involvement, and the factors driving that perception and controversy.
According to the results of a one-time online-basedof earth scientists published by the with 3146 respondents, 97% of the 77 actively climate scientists included in the survey, and 82% of all respondents, agree that human activity, such as and , is a significant contributing factor to global climate change According to additional sources, the majority of scientists who work on climate change agree on the main points.
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