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Thursday, October 28, 2010



Ozone reacts directly with some hydrocarbons such as and thus begins their removal from the air, but the products are themselves key components of. Ozone by UV light leads to production of the OH and this plays a part in the removal of hydrocarbons from the air, but is also the first step in the creation of components of smog such as which can be powerful eye irritants. The atmospheric lifetime of tropospheric ozone is about 22 days; its main removal mechanisms are being deposited to the ground, the above mentioned reaction giving OH, and by reactions with OH and the peroxy radical HO2· (Stevenson et al., 2006).
 Ozone gas attacks any possessing olefinic or within its chain structure, such as and rubber. Products made using these polymers are especially susceptible to attack, which causes cracks to grow longer and deeper with time, the rate of crack growth depending on the load carried by the product and the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere. Such materials can be protected by adding, such as waxes, which bond to the surface to create a protective film or blend with the material and provide long term protection. used to be a serious problem in car tires for example, but the problem is now seen only in very old tires.
 On the other hand, many critical products like and may be attacked by ozone produced within compressed air systems are often made from reinforced rubber tubing and may also be susceptible to attack, especially within engine compartments where low levels of ozone are produced from electrical equipment. Storing rubber products in close proximity to can accelerate the rate at which ozone cracking occurs. The of the motor creates sparks which in turn produce ozone

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