Annual temperatures can range from 0°C in the winter to over 50°C during the summer. Most of the rainfall received in this region is associated with the short July–September southwest monsoon that brings around 100–500 mm of precipitation.
Water is scarce and occurs at great depths, ranging from 30 to 120 m below the ground leve Rainfall is precarious and erratic, ranging from below 120 mm (4.72 inches) in the extreme west to 375 mm (14.75 inches) eastward. The soils of the arid region are generally sandy to sandy-loam in texture.
The consistency and depth vary as per the topographical features. The low-lying loams are heavier and may have a hard pan of clay, or.
The Thar Desert (also known as the Great Indian Desert) is the world's seventh largest desert; forms a significant portion of western India and covers an area of 238,700 km² (92,200 mile²).The desert continues into Pakistan as the Most of the Thar Desert is situated in covering 61% of its geographic area.
About 10 percent of this ecoregion comprises sand dunes, and the remaining 90 percent consist of craggy rock forms, compacted salt-lake bottoms, and interdunal and fixed dune areas.
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